July 2021

The footpath I took from South Godstone to the Pakenham's cottage in Tandridge

War memorial to Sergeant Stanley Allen Fenemore shot down during the Battle of Britain who crashed and died at Paygate Wood South Godstone, he was just 20

The River Cuckmere from the Litlington White Horse

Flint Birling Gap

Buttercups besides The River Cuckmere
Birling Gap is where one of my photographic heroes Bill Brandt took a series of nudes where the human form is made to look as if it is a shell or boulder cast up onto a beach - follow the link below if you would like to see some of his magnificent photography.

Fishing Boat Worthing Beach - My Dad's Dad fished off this coast, in his beautifully named boat 'The Titlark'

Barley fields besides the Ferring Rife

Groyne Worthing Beach

My Nanna moved from Worthing in 1976, the same year that this gentlemen was causing rather a stir, hard to believe then that 45 years later he would be carrying out a public speaking tour starting on Worthing Pier...

Crystal Palace Dinosaurs

Irish Elk Crystal Palace

The Crocodile from Peter Pan

Stone Lion Imperial College

Plesiosaurs Crystal Palace Park

Fossilised Plesiosaur flipper

My goodness this was rather comfy ...

The Queens Tower Imperial College I am an alumni from here 1980 - 1983

Leith Hill Tower, sadly putting a tower on top of a 965 feet hill still doesn't make it a mountain ...
"Jack will show you your room: I have given you the Room in the Tower."
'The Room in the Tower EF Benson

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Nasturtiums Downe House

Downe House

Downe House

The Sandwalk Downe House- where each day Charles Darwin would walk to clarify his ideas on Nature

The flint exterior of Down Church

Down Church