Thank you to the Morar Hotel for giving me such a wonderful stay in August 2020

Loch Morar

Loch Morar

Ruined Farmhouse

Sky above Loch Morar

Morar from the mountains above

Camasdarach Beach

Camusdarach Beach

Camasdarach Beach

Camasdarach Beach

Camasdarach Beach - within this rock pool lived the largest crab that I have ever seen in my life!

Camasdarach Beach
Camasdarach Beach plays a significant part in Bill Forsyth's exquisite film Local Hero, one of my favourite films, and the one that expresses my own sense of places within the places that I love.

Waves breaking on the side of Loch Morar

Mountains above Loch Morar

Lochan above Loch Morar

Water lilies and grasses in a lochan above Loch Morar

Brinacory Island, Loch Morar,beyond which, at over 1000 feet. is the deepest water in the British Isles.

Boulder besides Loch Morar

Weathered tree stump besides Loch Morar

The shore of Loch Morar
Loch Morar is said to be the home of two mythical creatures; one a mermaid like figure whose appearance is a sign that one of the local families will lose someone to drowning. She is described in a text dating to the Nineteenth Century as "Like the other water deities she is half human and half fish.The lower part of her body is in the form of a grilse and the upper in the form of a small woman of highly developed breasts with long flowing yellow hair falling down her snow white back and breast"
The other is of a serpentine creature similar in kind to the monster that is said to inhabit Loch Ness. In 1969, this beast was even said to have attacked two local fishermen. In a press conference at The London Zoo retired Navy Captain Metcalf and his wife Dora reported that they regularly saw 40 foot otter like creatures swimming by their veranda when they lived besides the Loch ....

Silhouette of the Island of Eigg




Waterfall above Loch Morar

The River Morar